West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

WV Ranks among Best for Providing Healthcare Insurance for Children


In a report released October 27, 2015, by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families, West Virginia is recognized as a leader in providing healthcare coverage for children. Ninety-seven percent of the state’s 386,718 children are covered by private insurance, West Virginia Children’s Health Insurance Program (WVCHIP) or Medicaid.

“Our state’s future lies in the hands of our most precious and vulnerable resource, our children,” said DHHR Cabinet Secretary Karen L. Bowling. “I am incredibly proud that one of the legacies of this administration is assuring nearly every child in West Virginia has the medical care he or she needs to grow up to be happy, healthy and successful with DHHR’s WVCHIP and Medicaid programs.”

The top five states with the lowest rate of uninsured children are Massachusetts (1.5%), the District of Columbia (2.1%), Vermont (2.2%), West Virginia (3.0%) and Hawaii (3.1%).  West Virginia is also ranked amongst the top five states with the sharpest declines in the rate of uninsured children, reducing the number of uninsured children by 43.7% from 2013 to 2014.

“While West Virginia faces many health challenges, we can feel very good that we have this foundation on which to build a healthy future for our children,” said WVCHIP Director Sharon Carte. “This is a great day for West Virginia.”

Contact Information

For more information contact: DHHRCommunications@wv.gov or (304) 558-7899.
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